One Piece is a story of a young man named Monkey D. Luffy who was inspired by the pirate, Red-Haired Shanks. Early on in the series, 22 years before the present timeline, a pirate named Gold Roger, generally known as the Pirate King had been executed. However, before his death, Gold Roger told the crowd about his treasure, "One Piece". His death sparked what might become the Golden Era of Pirates as countless pirates set out to look for his treasure. The main character, Luffy becomes a pirate, who dreams of becoming the next Pirate King and sets out to recruit crewmates and begin his adventures. This tells the plot of One Piece. Nonetheless, this anime didn't become great over night. One Piece has a great history that would allow it to become what everyone considers to be the greatest manga ever created. One Piece all began with the creator, Eiichiro Oda. Eiichiro Oda was inspired by Akira Toriyama's Dragonball and Dr. Slump at a young age. Since childhood, he t...