Those Manga Bloggers Worth Bookmarking

Maintaining a blog and growing with it, has been an personal interest, since I began my own blog. My own blogigng life has been what I believe to be an ever changing one with writing as well as reading other blogs. There is one blogging niche that I have actively been keeping apace with, and the manga blogging community is a close knit group. Certain names are mentioned and appear time and again. Thanks in part to the Twitter networking, Google reader, and continuing blogging projects like an annual Great Manga Gift Guide recommendation list or Manga Movable Feast, it would be good to have these bloggers on your blog reading radar. This list is listed in alphabetical order, by the blogger’s first name; a link to their writing/blogs is also included with additional information about what makes them memorable bloggers.

Alexander Hoffman of Manga Widget
This blog has a running editorial with specific manga title that left an impression. He is honest about his assessment as he blogs. On this site, there are two interesting features that have merit and food for though. The first feature is an investigation feature, where Alexander blogs about different unlicensed manga titles. The second feature is a talking one, where reader participation is invited to comment and create discussion.

Alex Woolfson of Yaoi 911
This is an adult page, where Yaoi is the subject of this blog. This is a specified genre that can offend readers who are not a fan for this type of writing. Alex provides resources, art samples, in-depth reviews and publishing ideas on yaoi and gay comics.

Bridget Alverson of Manga Blog
Bridget’s site is great for getting in the know about what topics, reviews, or conversations that are occurring within the manga blogging community or the manga industry itself. She summarizes with links to interesting blog entries, and reviews from a selected group of manga reviews.

Daniella Orihuela-Gruber of All About Manga
As a manga editor Daniella’s blog has interesting and lively entries that is centered around discussing aspects of the manga industry. There is also a Wednesday Webcomics blog feature, that recommends webcomics for readers to check out.

David Welsh of The Manga Curmudgeon
Originally hosting a blog on his own at Wordpress, David has moved his blog to share web space with Melinda Beasi, and Katherine Dacey. David has great informative features that include license requesting for Japanese manga to be considered for potential English translations and A-Z’s listings/license awareness for specific subs genres of manga of Josei, Senine, Shoujo titles. Another useful feature is his Year 24/Magnificent ’49ers information list.

Deb Aoki of
Helming as the Manga Guide on an internet recognizable website, Deb Aoki is definitely on the forefront of being a resource for breaking news/reviews/license announcements on the manga/graphic novel environment. Her blog features resources for an introduction and crash course on learning about the many aspects of the manga origins, creators, or publishers to name a few of the topics available

Erica Friedman of Okazu Blog
Okazu is similar to Yaoi 911 on being a blogging site that talks about a specific sexual preference. This is a site that can be read by anyone who want to learn more about this genre of manga. Erica is prominent expert on Yuri manga in the United States. She reviews specified volumes of manga, but definitely shares her knowledge and opinion on otherwise unlicensed or licensed Yuri works.

Johanna Draper Carlson and Ed Sizemore of Manga Worth Reading
Johanna and Ed write a review blog, with entries sorted by publishers. There is in-depth coverage on specific volumes. Johanna is a profession voice with years of experience, and Ed Sizemore is a vocal voice on the forefront of manga community collaborative projects. He has a podcast that is recorded between contributing manga bloggers at the Manga Outloud Podcast.

Katherine Dacey of The Manga Critic
Mentioned earlier on this list, as writing in the same web space as David Welsh and Melinda Beasi. Katherine writes a review blog with enough opinion and knowledge to establish several distinctive columns. One column lists older English published manga, and another interesting column is her picks on the manga hall of shame on bad manga.

Kristin Bomba of Bento Bako Column at
Interspersed with other comic book entries on this site, is Kris’s reviews. Her review are to the point, and she writes an in depth honest review about the manga. In an out of order volume in a long series, there is something to be said in her reviews for that publication.

Lissa Pattillo of Kuriousity
Lissa is the editor of this manga news, and review sites. Kuriosity is a frequently updated site, what would make this a memorable site is the Super Savings page, that notify readers of book/manga sales that is available online. There is also a companion site of Boys’, that shares reviews, and news of bl-themed books.

Lori Henderson of MangaXanadu
Lori has an easy to follow organization structure of her blog. Reviews are arranged by age group, and this is a parent friendly blog. There is also a very useful grouping of links that is relevant to e-reading, magazines, publishers, and podcasts.

Melinda Beasi of Manga BookShelf
Since the beginning of this year Melinda had joined up with David and Katherine, and the main page of Manga BookShelf has reflected that merge. Melinda as a manga blogger herself though, has great written entries. A portion of it is organized under Resources & Essays. Her regular feature of writing entries on a weekly basics has been a creative, and entertaining concept.

Sam Kusek of A Life in Panels
Sam brings to the table an interesting look at manga from a comic book perspective as well. His entries are witty, and well written showing a passion for what can be discussed.

Sean Gaffney of A Case Suitable For Treatment
Sean is a prolific blogger, there are always thoroughly reviewed manga. Each week, there is a manga of the week feature that introduces if any established manga publishing companies is going to release any new titles that following week. Reading this blog establishes a fact, that a site may not need much graphic, but to display a passion, and honesty makes this a memorable blog.
